Thursday, September 27, 2007

What Are The Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking?

Another name for side effects of stopping smoking is withdrawal symptoms. And then there are side effects from the stop smoking aids depending on the individual and their addictions, which are used while trying to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, there are very few stop smoking side effects.

In fact, smokers who give up smoking become healthier while living longer as compared to those who fail to do so. They only have to battle a brief period when they give up smoking -- the period when the withdrawal symptoms are most prominent, a time when they feel anxious, irritable, confused and depressed. They may also suffer from a slower heartbeat, increased appetite, and weight gain. However, all these can be controlled through proper counseling and exercises.

The reason for the withdrawal is the body demanding for its supply of nicotine. When going cold turkey, this period can range from 72 hours to two weeks of intenseness and pain, with the amount depending on the smoker and their addiction. The nicotine replacement therapy is especially useful in reducing the side effects as it feeds this hunger for nicotine.

The patient can use nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, or nicotine patches to release small quantities of nicotine in the bloodstream to lesson the urge to smoke. Because the body is given this drug, it lowers depression and improves well being. They can also use alternative therapies like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Yoga to relieve stress and make life without cigarettes more bearable. Another possibility is the use of laser therapy that releases endorphins in the blood stream, making an individual feels better.

The 60% smokers who are most prone to side effects are those who suffer from depression, who usually are requiring extensive counseling and support from family members and friends. Many of them are put on Zyban, an FDA-approved drug that helps to reduce the urge to smoke and is also beneficial for treating depression among those who quit.

Known by the name Bupropion, it desensitizes the brain's nicotine receptors, with seizures as its main side effects in less than one in 1,000. Other side effects, such as insomnia, dry mouth, and headaches are usually more common. Another side effect of quitting smoking is weight gain, usually putting on 5 to 8 pounds of weight, which should not be considered a dangerous side effect.

You should remember that smoking is much more injurious to health than gaining weight, which is controllable through exercise, dieting or Yoga. But you can't undo the damage caused by smoking to your health. Your first priority therefore must be to give up smoking as you will feel better, healthier and more energetic in the long run.

Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and smoking.

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High Deductible Health Insurance Plans For Individuals and Families

Do you pay more attention to your car than your body? You change your oil every 3000 to 4000 miles. You have your tires rotated every other oil change. Your air filter and brake pads are changed at the appropriate intervals.

Now, what about your body? You follow the recommended AMA guidelines for routine check ups and other healthcare services. You pay special attention to make sure you eat a balanced diet and always take the time to get enough exercise. The reality is many Americans pay more attention to the maintenance of their car than they do their body.

From an insurance perspective, your automobile insurance company has a certain expectation that you will take reasonable care of your car. Things such as the routine maintenance of brakes and making sure your turning signals work properly are expected by your insurance company. Basic common sense says that proper automobile maintenance reduces traffic accidents and saves both you and your insurance company money.

Health insurance consumers can benefit by taking a similar approach to taking care of their body. For the average American, regular exercise, routine check ups and following your doctors advice will reduce your healthcare costs in the long run. It is really very simple. By doing the things necessary to stay healthy, you will need to seek medical care less frequently.

Even with a commitment to stay healthy, you will still need health insurance coverage to take care of the unexpected and sometimes unavoidable catastrophic situations. However, instead of paying the insurance company for a $250 deductible, many individuals would benefit by purchasing a high deductible health insurance plan. Depending on the specific situation, it is not uncommon for individuals and families to save up to 25% on premiums with a high deductible plan. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can then be set up to coordinate with the high deductible plan. Approaching health care and health insurance wisely will benefit both your body and pocketbook.

Michael Ertel is the President of Ertel & Company ( ) and has over 15 years of experience in the health insurance business. He is the founder of which is an internet based service that assists individuals, families, and small business owners by providing side by side comparisons of health insurance alternatives and the convenience of applying for health coverage online.

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