Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Truck-Mounted Snow Blowers

Truck-mounted snow blowers affix to the front of a pickup or sport utility vehicle. Drawing power from the vehicle engine, a truck-mounted snow blower can eat a path 7 feet wide and 3 feet tall, throwing the snow 40 feet in any non-backwards direction. With its 2-cylinder, 4-cycle, 27-horsepower gas engine, a truck-mounted snow blower carries the same amount of power and force of six full-size push units. Its no wonder people have been using them religiously in mountainous and rural areas since 1980.

The snow blower manufacturer Hanson is credited for first introducing pickup truck-mounted snow blowers; Hanson continues to be the only manufacturer actively marketing them. Based on a long tradition of tractor-mounted snow blowers, Hanson truck-mounted snow blowers are powerful, solid, and efficient.

If youre thinking about buying a truck-mounted snow blower, there are some things you should consider first.

A truck-mounted snow blower weighs 800 pounds. Your truck or SUV must weigh at least half a ton, preferably or a full ton, to support its weight.

Your vehicle must be a 4-wheel drive and have automatic transmission because at low speeds, operating a manual transmission and the snow blower simultaneously can be very difficult.

Truck-mounted snow blowers are compatible with most plow mounts, including Meyers, Western, Fisher, and other common brands. Before buying a truck-mounted snow blower, contact Hanson and tell them what kind of a plow mount youre working with, just to be safe.

Truck-mounted snow blowers take their power from the vehicle engine. All the controls are wired into the truck cab, including the electric key start, choke, throttle, discharge chute rotation and deflection, and hydraulic snow blower lift. Imagine the power of having all these controls in the cab with you as you heroically clear all the snow from your neighborhood roads. They are also great for small road contracting businesses.

Three alternatives to truck mounted snow blowers are:

Truck mounted snowplows: If you live in a more densely populated area, you dont want to be launching tons of road snow onto your neighbors walkways, driveways, vehicles, and pets. Its usually better to get a plow, which merely pushes the snow off the road.

Tractor-mounted snow blowers: If you live in a rural area, a tractor-mounted unit is best. Chances are you have a lot of area to clear, so youll need the snow moving power of a tractor.

ATV-mounted snow blowers: The Snow Hogg (not to be confused with Snow Hog, a maker of snow tires) is a big snow blower that attaches to your all-terrain vehicle, making for one hungry-looking snow chomper. Smaller than a truck-mounted unit, but still more powerful than most push units, the Snow Hogg can clear a path 42 wide and almost two feet deep, with a chute rotation range of 210. The Snow Hogg weighs almost 400 pounds, but thanks to a built-in suspension and traction system, the machine only puts about 10 to 15 pounds of stress on your ATV frame.

Snow Blowers Info provides detailed information about electric and truck-mounted snow blowers, snow blower parts, and reviews of best snow blowers. Snow Blowers Info is affiliated with Original Content Web.

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Article Marketing and Article Writing - How To Successfully Write and Market Your First Article

Article writing is an excellent way to get your message out, especially if it appeals to your readers because they expect and enjoy quality articles. Meet their needs and they will come back for more.

Writing your first internet article can be very challenging for some and not as challenging for others. Whether you feel challenged or not, you can become a skilled article writer by learning and practicing the following tips.

Mind Map to Overcome Writer's Block - Visualize the three parts of a bicycle wheel - the hub (center), spokes, and rim. Spokes extend from the tiny hub at the center of the wheel and are attached to the rim. When mind-mapping, your subject is the hub, arrows are the spokes, and the points you make about your subject are the rim.

Use only circles and arrows when mind-mapping. First, put your subject in the hub. Draw an arrow (spoke) from the hub to the rim. Then draw a circle on the rim and put the first point you will make about your subject inside that circle. Repeat the process for all the points you intend to make. When finished, you should have a circle in the center of circles that are connected by arrows. This is the outline for your article.

Use Key Words - Use words in your title that attract readers and search engines.These words are known as keywords. Do a Google search to find keyword tracker sites. Follow the instructions on the site. Remember this will selecting which keywords to use - the greater the number after the word, the greater the interest.

Know Your Niche - What's your passion? What are you interested in? Appeal to readers with the same passion or interests. Who would know their needs better than you? But there's always a possibility that your readers may have a different interest. Build a relationship with them through your articles to see what their present needs are. Then write a message addressing their needs.

Write Conversationally - Let your heart speak to the heart of your reader. Your head is your knowledge center, it wants to be formal. But your heart is informal, it just makes your points. Easy reading helps your readers know, like and trust you.

Use Quotes, Illustrations, or Case Studies - Give examples your readers can relate to and understand. Stories are an excellent way to make points.

Create an Attention Grabbing Title - The importance of titles cannot be over stressed. Your title must capture the interest of your reader or your article will not be read.

Presentation of Your Message - Your article can be the best on the market, but if it is lumped together, readers won't read it. Just as chefs make dishes attractive, make your articles attractive. Learn to use short paragraphs, subheads, numbers, and bullets to add variety to your articles.

Rewriting - Blending Your Head and Heart - After pouring out your heart on paper (also known as a heart dump), take a break. No editing is required. Later, come back and edit your article before submitting it to an article directory.

Article writing is only challenging when you don't know the techniques. Now that you know, you're ready to write your first article.

Final tip - use an article writing template.

If you would like to get two free article writing templates, go to

When you're ready for another challenge, consider an article writing and marketing e-course. Go to for an example of a good e-course.

Please feel free to leave comments about this article at

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The Sexually Satisfied Marriage

Marriage is like a tricycle. One of the back wheels is the mental (emotional) area in marriage, another back wheel is for the physical (sexual), and the front wheel, which is the leader, is for the spiritual aspects of the marriage. If one of these facets of marriage is missing, what is going to happen? The marriage is going to be unbalanced and topple over.

Did you know that your feelings affect your sexual appetite? For instance, if youre feeling bitter, resentful, or guilty towards your spouse, you wont feel like having sex with them. Should we deprive our spouse of sex because of how we are feeling? I dont think so.

It is not right to deny our spouse the sexual fulfillment that marriage so much needs just because were mad at them or were having a bad day. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Feelings of bitterness are caused by an unforgiving attitude. Please go back and read my articles on how to forgive properly. Jesus said we are to forgive seventy times sevenforgiving properly means that we dont harbor the pain anymore, and that means we dont bring up the issue with our spouse again! Period!

Ladies, we are in control when it comes to the sexual aspects of the marriage. Learn to use that to your advantage. After lovemaking is the best time to discuss any other issues that are bothering you. Be nice, and express yourself lovingly and appropriately. Dont nag and complain.

Many couples dont discuss their sexual preferences with each other. But this is not the time to be shy either. Its very vital to the sexual health of the marriage that couples express their pleasures in the bedroom arena. Both need to know and be acquainted with the zones and parts of the body, which are capable of producing pleasurable sensations.

Below are a few guidelines to take note of for a great sensual and passionate marriage, even after ten, twenty, and more years of marriage!

1. Allow spouse the freedom to be who they are. Be understanding and considerate of their feelings at all times, not just in the bedroom.

2. Communicate any sexual issues and problems that have developed in the marriage. Let go of sexual inhibitions and express your pleasures in the lovemaking arena. Ladies, men like to give pleasure to their wives, so now is your chance to speak up and tell him what you like.

3. Thank God everyday that you are married to a person who is willing to discuss and express these issues with you.

4. Always be loving and available. Sometimes we women just arent in the mood. But it doesnt matter; give yourself to your husband anyway, unless for a very good reason, such as, being sick or going through menstruation.

5. Create an appealing bedroom that you both like. Redecorate it with tasteful decor that you both have picked out.

6. Make yourself attractive and pleasing to each other. Ladies, buy yourself a new skimpy nightgown, and men buy some bikini briefs. If you already wear that kind of under clothing, buy some silky cartoon boxers - something different that you wouldnt normally wear.

7. Be romantic and loving. Light some aromatic candles for a sensual and romantic atmosphere.

This is for the ladies reading this. Men NEED to have sex. Some men like it everyday, others every other day, while others maybe two times a week. Be ready when your husband wants to have sex. Dont reject your husband for just any reason; make him feel loved and good about himself. Men need and love this kind of sensual pampering.

When we reject our husband, that is when they begin THINKING about looking elsewhere to find fulfillment, and we dont want that, do we ladies? So often we take our husband for granted in this area, and dont realize the importance of sexual fulfillment for the man in our life. Dont give him any reasons to look elsewhere, take care of him!

This is for the men reading this. The most important thing you can do for your wife is don't rush into the sex act in 30 seconds. Come on now, be more considerate. You know it takes your wife a bit longer than you. Tell her how much you love her, and rub her all over first; wherever she likes to be rubbed. Learn to be more patient in the bedroom, your time will come soon enough.

Bottom line, do not deprive or reject each other! A happy sexual relationship involves right attitudes. It is Gods will that married couples enjoy sexual relations with each other. Find out what wheel is missing in your marriage and fix it.

The wifes body does not belong to her alone, but also to her husband. In the same way, the husbands body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by MUTUAL consent and for A TIME, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so Satan will not TEMPT you because of your lack of self-control. 1 Corinthians 7:4-6

Angie Lewis offers spiritual enlightenment tips for couples in marriage, and is the author of new release book JOURNEY ON THE ROADS LESS TRAVELED.

This unique book is about love, life, marriage, addiction, temptation, and understanding the power of spiritual awareness for your marriage.

In her book, Angie reveals her own journey of overcoming addiction and battling with her negative emotions that she allowed to embrace her life and marriage.

To find out more about this new book click here, ISBN 1413788904 Avaliable Amazon online!

Angie Lewis counsels couples and writes a monthly newsletter where she reveals her secrets on how YOU can stay happily married for life!

Subscribe to get your FREE monthly newsletter so you can stay happily and forever married!

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